Website Updated

Hello again. Or should I say hello to the first time on the new revamped website. There have been many changes since the last time. For one this blog is new. It will allow me to better keep people updated on what I am doing and learning. The website has some new portfolio galleries as well as expanded portfolio galleries. I have been shooting so much more in the last year and have really expanded what I have been doing.

Right of the bat you will notice the website address has changed a bit. The word "the" has been removed from the old "The House of Indulgence". This is basically due to the web domain becoming free. I guess the old burning man group the used to own the name for their camp burned out and faded away.

My concentration on Fitness and Lingerie photography are still strong. I have been photographing more yoga images as well as athletes. Some great opportunities to photograph professional wrestlers and boxers allowed me to explore some new territory with my camera. Plus to bring those athletes into my world of lighting and seeing. The lingerie work I have been doing is more set driven and more mood based. The clean catalog look is still a favorite of mine but being able to work with the model and create an intimate setting with sculpted light really gets me going. I am very proud of the newer work I have created.

The signature dark, moody light sculpted images are all over my work. I did pull some specifically to their own gallery. Sometimes a project does not allow to be driven by sculpted light alone. So I chose to make a gallery that was strictly filled with images that reflect my dark lighting look. I find it funny that I use more lights to create this look than any other. Film Noir is a big influence on me and I have studied how they use several lights to illuminate specific areas of a scene to create the mood they desire.

Another new portfolio has been the "Photoshop Composite" gallery. This is a gallery I am really excited about. I have been using my new found skills to create some killer images that I totally love! Back when I was in art school I always wanted to be a book cover illustrator. It is in my blood. I have done photo shoots for DVD movie cases and printed novels before. This is the first time I have put several images together into a final composited image. It has been really great to flex my old art school illustration skills and put together a "painting" with photo elements.

Take some time and cruise through the galleries and see what is new. It has been quite the experience to review my catalog of photos and pick the best of the best. New clients and new jobs have allowed me to really build my work and collaborate on some great new photos. Every assignment allows me to learn and grow by working with my client and bringing their vision to life. I am a firm believer that we are the sum of the people we meet. Luckily for me I have met and worked wit some really awesome people.


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